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Instrumente industriale

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Supape și instrumente
Compresor de gaze naturale
Blowout Preventer (BOP)
Instalații de foraj și reparații

Toate categoriile mici

Supape și instrumente
Compresor de gaze naturale
Blowout Preventer (BOP)
Instalații de foraj și reparații

Skids de gaz combustibil de mare precizie și Deltabar PMD75B Endress + Transmițător de presiune Hauser România

descrierea produsului
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-49
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-50
Endress + Hauser
Proline Promass A 100 Coriolis
Interval de măsurare
0 până la 450 kg/h
Interval mediu de temperatură
–50 la +205 ° C
Debit de masă (lichid)
± 0.1%
Profilul companiei
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-51
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-52
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-53
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-54
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-55
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-56
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-57
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-58
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-59
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-60
Semi-automat PET sticla suflare mașină sticlă care face mașină sticlă de turnare mașină
Mașina de fabricare a sticlelor PET este potrivită pentru producerea de sticle și recipiente din plastic PET în toate formele.
Întrebări Frecvente
Semi-automat PET sticla suflare mașină sticlă care face mașină sticlă de turnare mașină
Mașina de fabricare a sticlelor PET este potrivită pentru producerea de sticle și recipiente din plastic PET în toate formele.
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-61
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-62
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-63
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-64
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-65
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-66
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-67
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-68
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-69
product highly accurate fuel gas skids and deltabar pmd75b  endress  hauser pressure transmitter-70

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