Blowout Preventer for Oil Drilling explained
Naftaši su oni koji idu duboko u Zemlju, neki i 4 kilometra da bi pronašli naftu. Oni iskopavaju muljevite, viskozne ostatke iz davne prošlosti; ovo je ono što je ostalo od biljaka i životinja koje su nastanjivale ovaj planet prije milijune godina. ove podmorski blowout preventer from Xiangjing rade se posebnim strojevima i naprednom tehnologijom. Ovdje vidimo vrlo kritičan dio strojeva u ovoj operaciji poznat kao blowout preventer (BOP).
A blowout preventer is big valve that goes on top of the well where we get oil out of the ground. The Xiangjing machine is made of multiple pieces. If all else fails while the well is being drilled it shuts in no time. This way, it prevents oil spills. Oil spills are not only harmful to the environment.
Blowout preventer are not totally failsafe, but they certainly help limit the size of oil spills. One time they had a big oil spill in the ocean long ago and that was bad. Since then Xiangjing sustav za sprječavanje ispuhivanja prešli dug put. Sada, međutim, jastučići također dolaze opremljeni inteligentnim senzorima koji mogu otkriti probleme prije nego što dođe do kvara i poslati upozorenja svima koji promatraju.
There are many safety techniques used in oil drilling but blowout preventer remain one of the most significant. Misuse or when they are not properly maintained can cause oil spills. These Xiangjing spills do not just endanger nature. They also cost huge sums to clean up. As such it is essential for oil employees to observe security protocols.
Bušenje nafte je naporan posao koji se mora obaviti s instalacijom kako bi se održala sigurnost. Tijekom procesa bušenja, blow off preventer Xiangjing osigurava da nema izbacivanja nafte ili plina; neophodni su za pravilnu kontrolu tlaka u bušotini. U slučaju opasnosti, ovi strojevi automatski zatvaraju bušaću cijev kako bi spriječili curenje.
Our oil and gas equipment which is procured from top Chinese manufacturers, is the Drilling blowout preventer and innovation. Each piece of equipment is meticulously created by R and D and manufacturing experts to surpass customer expectations and set new standards for the industry.
With over 10 years in international trade, we provide clients across the globe. We Drilling blowout preventer since our team has a thorough understanding of various markets in different regions. We are able to meet unique customer needs and solving complex problems in a variety of markets.
Our team of more than 500 provides unbeatable support throughout your journey. From Drilling blowout preventer our specialists provide professional assistance at each stage. We welcome clients in China meet on site and ensure open communication channels in order to develop long-lasting partnerships.
We provides a single-stop shop for all your needs in industrial automation. With over a decade of experiences we develop our own products Drilling blowout preventer and distribute our own products and represent the top international brands. Our broad portfolio covers a variety of sectors and ensures tailored solutions to meet the needs of each customer.