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Compressor de gas natural
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Vàlvules i instruments
Compressor de gas natural
Prevenció d'explosió (BOP)
Equips de perforació i reparació

Deltav Distributed Control S System M-series Fieldbus H1 Carrie per al sistema DCS

Descripció del producte

EMERSON deltav Distributed Control S SystemM-series Fieldbus H1 Carrie

The DeltaV system extends flexibility to fit your requirements by offering multiple types of I/O. y Electronic Marshalling enables
you to add various kinds of I/O when and where you want them.
Traditional I/O offers standard analog and discrete I/O cards,
including high density. y Various bus cards offer connectivity to fieldbus devices communicating using a number of different bus
The DeltaV system’s unique flexible field architecture delivers I/O on demand — providing you the I/O you want,
when you want it,
where you want it. It is flexible because you can now decouple the process design from the I/O infrastructure
design to easily
incorporate late process changes into the automation system.

The PK Controller brings ground-breaking innovation and technology that can act as a powerful standalone for smallscale skid
units and easily integrate into a plant-wide DeltaV DCS. With faster logic execution, built-in native Ethernet ports and native
device protocols, the DeltaV PK Controller addresses a wide variety of applications and system sizes. The fit-for-purpose
controller enables you to have a single native database and system allowing you to shorten project schedule and accommodate late

Rang de pressió
5-100 psi (35-700 kPa), (0.35-7 bar)
Classificació de pressió d'entrada 
1.7 MPa (17 bar)
Pressió nominal de sortida
1 ~ 3KG
Indústria del gas i petroli

Característiques especials

The DeltaV distributed control system (DCS) improves your operations by harnessing today’s predictive technologies in an easy,
intuitive, and interoperable way to connect your people, processes, and production. The DeltaV DCS provides systems and tools to
provide the decision integrity to run your operation at its full potential. Emerson designed the DeltaV DCS to simplify tasks
throughout the lifetime of your facility.

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3. Garantia de qualitat

4.Suport tècnic
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5. Resposta ràpida
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La nostra empresa
Xiangjing (Xangai) Tecnologia mecànica i elèctrica. Co, Ltd.
Xiangjing (Xangai) Tecnologia mecànica i elèctrica. Co., Ltd. es dedica principalment al desenvolupament tècnic, consulta tècnica, servei tècnic, instal·lació i posada en marxa de serveis d'enginyeria marina, petroli i gas, petroquímica, conservació d'aigua i energia hidroelèctrica, generació d'energia tèrmica i altres productes d'equips mecànics i elèctrics; Vàlvules de control de fluids de marca coneguda; instrumentació; accessoris de canonades hidràuliques; coixinets; segells; automatització industrial i altres empreses d'alta tecnologia.
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